26 June 2024

Веганство під час війни (2022)

What is it like to be a vegan during wartime? This documentary is about vegans who remain true to their principles, no matter the circumstances.


Історії вимушених переселенок з України (2022)

As a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many people became forced migrants. Tamara Human talked to four vegan women from the Ukrainian organization Кожна Тварина (Every Animal) who were forced to leave their hometowns and even the country.


Go Vegan! Інтерв’ю з еко-анархістом на фронті (2023)

The Solidarity Collectives crew interviews an eco-anarchist from the 'Екологічна платформа' (Ecological Platform) group, whom they met during a journey to southern Ukraine in the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions. Before the war, he was actively involved in the 'Екологічна платформа' initiative, preparing vegan food for those in need, and participating in anti-authoritarian demonstrations, environmental gatherings, and animal rights actions. With the outbreak of war, like many members of the 'Екологічна платформа', he joined the armed resistance and now serves as a combat medic. This documentary explores practices of solidarity and mutual aid within military structures, the liberation of Kherson, the warm reception of the local community, international support, and the challenges of maintaining veganism in military settings.


Záchrana: Na každém životě záleží (2024)

At a time when most people go to sleep, Lukás Krása goes to places where entry is prohibited. He takes animals out of dark and smelly halls and gives them a chance for a dignified life. He doesn't do it for personal gratification, but because he believes that every life matters.