1 December 2023

Svědectví: Pravda, která měla zůstat skryta (2021)

Annually, 130 million animals are killed in the Czech Republic for the production of meat, milk, and eggs—a staggering number that may be difficult to comprehend. But do we truly understand where and how these animals live? The documentary 'Testimony' unveils the truth deliberately hidden by the animal industry. Through footage captured by hidden cameras, it infiltrates the barbed fences and high walls of Czech large farms, small farms, and even domestic farms to reveal the real lives of animals reduced to mere commodities.



You can watch the full film with English subtitles for free on the official website of the film (HERE).

Náctiletí aktivisté: Život v neveganském světě (2023)

The medium-length documentary, Teen Activists: Life in a Non-Vegan World, provides insight into the world of teenagers whose compassion levels lead them to endure bullying from peers and the misunderstanding of mainstream society. They refuse to participate in the exploitation of animals and strive to motivate others. The documentary introduces several young activists, offering a glimpse into their lives and taking the audience on visits to organizations and groups. These encounters shed light on the prejudices faced by the new compassionate generation, whether in doctors' offices, schools, or at home.