9 January 2017

Knor - Ein Schweineleben, oder 110 Kilo in 25 Wochen (2003)

The documentary gives a detailed picture of the life of the pig. A life governed by as much growth as possible in as short a time as possible. We see how Knor is born on the breeding farm in the north of the Netherlands. After a few days, his tail is clipped and he is castrated. Together with his brothers and sisters, Knor spends the first ten weeks of his life here. Dramatic change enters his life when he is moved to the pig farm owned by Geert Roossien in Anevelde and spends the last 15 weeks of his life, in the company of 1600 other pigs. Right up to the end, which surprises him as much as it does the viewers.

short version:

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