28 September 2017

Fermare Green Hill (2014)

"Stop Green Hill" is the story of a dream. Of a strategy. Of overcoming limits and of individuals. It's also about a multinational, that over two years, has lost its revenues based on the suffering of animals bred for laboratories: 250 dogs sent each month to research centres throughout Europe. The departure was from Green Hill in Montichiari, Brescia province, the destination was Paradise. After years of silence on "animal experiments" a debate has ensued in Italy regarding the legality and ethical justification of a practice that has become commonplace in the whole of Europe. For the activists it has been the success of a campaign led with creativity, determination and with the awareness that even the most just actions may have consequences which must be paid, if the limit of legality happens to be on the wrong side. This is why, after the success of the Stop Green Hill campaign, the job could not be considered completed: a being suffers regardless of whether it is a man, a dog or a mouse.

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